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신경외과/Brain Anatomy (Basic, vessel)

Vascular malformations

by 혀ni 2020. 11. 24.


1)     AVM

Spetzler-Martin AVM Grading Scale


Size (cm)















Deep venous drainage






AVM total score



l  The lower the score, the better the outcome

l  Eloquent locations : areas of sensorimotor, language, visual, thalamus, hypothalamus, internal capsule, brain stem, cerebellar peduncles, and deep cerebellar nuclei

l  Size:  largest diameter of nidus on non-magnified angiogram

l  Considered superficial if all drainage is through cortical venous system / Considered deep if any or all is through deep vein (internal cerebral vein, basal veins, precentral cerebellar vein)


2)     AVF (Arteriovenous fistula)


Classification of dural AVF

By venous drainage pattern

: Cortical venous reflux 존재 여부가 hemorrhage risk & nonhemorrhagic neurologic deficit risk.



Borden classification

site of venous drainage

presence or absence of CVD(cortical venous drainage)


  • Borden type I

- direct communication of meningeal arteries with a meningeal vein or dural venous sinus + normal antegrade flow


  • Borden Type II

- meningeal arteries with a meningeal vein or dural venous sinus  + retrograde flow(to subarachnoid veins -> venous hypertension)


  • Borden Type III

-meningeal arteries with a subarachnoid vein or isolated sinus segment

-Subclassify: single-hole (a) multiple-hole (b)


Borden classification

Type I

Anterograde drainage into dural sinus/meningeal vein

Type II

Anterograde drainage into dural sinus + retrograde cortical venous drainage

Type III

Isolated retrograde cortical venous drainage

Cognard classification

Type I

Anterograde drainage into the main sinus

Type II


Drainage into the main sinus with reflux into other sinus(es)



Drainage into the main sinus with reflux into cortical veins



Drainage into the main sinus with reflux into other sinuses + cortical veins

Type III

Direct cortical venous drainage without venous ectasia

Type IV

Direct cortical venous drainage with venous ectasia (>5mm and 3 times larger than the diameter of the draining vein)

Type V

Drainage into spinal perimedullary veins


Cognard classification

dural sinus drainage 방향

presence or absence of CVD(cortical venous drainage)

venous outflow architecture

  • Type I : dural venous sinus + no CVD
  • Type IIa : retrogradely to dural venous sinus + no CVD
  • Type IIb : antegradely to dural venous sinus + CVD
  • Type IIa+b : retrogradely to dural venous sinus + CVD
  • Type III : CVD + cortical venous  drainage (no dural venous drainage )
  • Type  IV : CVD + cortical venous  drainage + Ectasia
  • Type V : CVD + cortical venous  drainage with spinal perimedullary drainage



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